#! /usr/bin/env python# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-# __author__ = "w.z"# Date: 2017/6/8# 1. 元素分类# 有如下值集合 [11,22,33,44,55,66,77,88,99,90...],将所有大于 66 的值保存至字典的第一个key中,将小于 66 的值保存至第二个key的值中。# 即: {'k1': 大于66的所有值, 'k2': 小于66的所有值} map1 = { 'k1': '', 'k2': ''} list1 = [11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 66, 77, 88, 99, 90] list2 = [] list3 = [] for i in list1: if i < 66: list2.append(i) else: list3.append(i) map1 = { 'k1': list2, 'k2': list3} print(map1) # 2. 查找# 查找列表中元素,移除每个元素的空格,并查找以 a或A开头 并且以 c 结尾的所有元素。# li = ["alec", " aric", "Alex", "Tony", "rain"]# tu = ("alec", " aric", "Alex", "Tony", "rain")# dic = {'k1': "alex", 'k2': ' aric', "k3": "Alex", "k4": "Tony"} li = ["alec", " aric", "Alex", "Tony", "rain"] li_new = [] for i in li: i = i.strip() li_new.append(i) li = li_new for i in li: if i.startswith('a') or i.startswith('A') and i.endswith('c'): print(i) tu = ("alec", " aric", "Alex", "Tony", "rain") tu_list = list(tu) for i in tu_list: if i.strip().startswith('a') or i.strip().startswith('A') and i.strip(' ').endswith('c'): print(i.strip()) dic = { 'k1': "alex", 'k2': ' aric', "k3": "Alex", "k4": "Tony"} for i in dic.values(): if i.startswith('a') or i.startswith('A') and i.endswith('c'): print(i.strip()) # 3. 输出商品列表,用户输入序号,显示用户选中的商品# 商品 li = ["手机", "电脑", '鼠标垫', '游艇'] li = ["手机", "电脑", '鼠标垫', '游艇'] num_goods = {} for i in range(0, len(li)): print(i+1, li[i]) num_goods[i+1] = li[i] num = input('Please input your choice (1-%s): ' % len(li)) mun_1 = int(num) - 1 print(num_goods[int(num)]) # 4 购物车# 功能要求:# 要求用户输入总资产,例如:2000# 显示商品列表,让用户根据序号选择商品,加入购物车# 购买,如果商品总额大于总资产,提示账户余额不足,否则,购买成功。# 附加:可充值、某商品移除购物车# goods = [# {"name": "电脑", "price": 1999},# {"name": "鼠标", "price": 10},# {"name": "游艇", "price": 20},# {"name": "美女", "price": 998},# ] goods = [ { "name": "电脑", "price": 1999}, { "name": "鼠标", "price": 10}, { "name": "游艇", "price": 20}, { "name": "美女", "price": 998}, ] list_store = [] goods_map = {} goods_price = {} total = 0 sum1 = input('Please input your money: ') i = 1 print('There are some goods for you to choice: ') for items in goods: print(i, items['name']) goods_map[i] = items['name'] # 此处生成一个 序列和商品的字典 goods_price[items['name']] = items['price'] #此处生成一个 商品和价格的字典 i += 1 print('商品价格: ', goods_price) tag = Truewhile tag: choice = input('Please input your choice num (q quit,d del): ') if choice != 'q' and choice != 'd': list_store.append(str(goods_map[int(choice)])) print(list_store) elif choice == 'd': tt = Truewhile tt: nn = input('购物车清单,请输入要删除的对象(1-n) q退出:') if nn != 'q': list_store.pop(int(nn) - 1) print(list_store) else: breakelif choice == 'q': print(list_store) breakfor x in list_store: total += goods_price[x] if total < int(sum1): print('商品总价格 %s ,购买成功' % total) else: print('购买失败,余额不足') # 选做题:用户交互,显示省市县三级联动的选择## dic = { # "河北": { # "石家庄": ["鹿泉", "藁城", "元氏"],# "邯郸": ["永年", "涉县", "磁县"],# }# "河南": { # ...# }# "山西": { # ...# }## }